Donation campaigns
The school fees are breaking our back. - Please help us!
We urgently need money again for the school children in the cottage, otherwise some children will have to leave the school. In addition, not all children have a school sponsor.
So if you would like to become a school sponsor or sponsor a child at all, please contact us.
We and the children would thank you.
Our Farmland. Agribusiness on the Move.
However, the ever-increasing food prices in Africa present us with great challenges, which are to be mitigated by our own farm project.
The land is 13.7 hectares in total. Of this, 5.2 hectares have already been paid for. The rest of the land is paid for by African Angel in installments. For this we are dependent on further donations. But we also need people who can give us tips and/or also tools for the cultivation of this land.
In 2015, African Angel bought this piece of land to teach the children about farming. It is important that the children learn this so that more farming is done in this land of theirs.
Africa would not have to suffer from hunger if the Africans practiced agriculture again. There is enough fertile land. So also here.
We would be pleased about help.
The video here from February 21, 2021 shows the place where the masons are to build a small house for an employee who guards the land during the time when it is not yet cultivated. This is unfortunately necessary in Africa, because it happens again and again, that someone spreads on vacant land.
Our first visit to our farmland in 2015.

Who still has functional sewing machines to give away; also remaining stock?
Since we cannot accommodate all children and young people in our cottage, we collect sewing machines and accessories, especially for girls who do not get the chance to do a school education, so that they can at least learn a craft with which they can also earn money.
We thank you in advance for all the sewing machines that will be given to us.
The first (old) house on our cottage property is to be extended or raised.
It is really great what Harriet has created, organized and built. Now she wants to build a workshop for a talent factory for art and music and a laboratory for other sciences on the old building in the cottage.
In addition, this complex is also to be used as space for distance learning courses, because Corona has shown us that this is not only possible to study without attending a or school, but is also extremely practical and desirable.
Such projects already exist in Germany and African Angel would like to push this forward in Africa as well.
For this purpose she has already had plans made, which you can see here.
The costs for this will amount to approx. 30.000,- to 40.000,- EUR.
Please help us to make this dream come true.
Everything that has to do with soccer, we need. Anyone who has something to donate on this topic; gladly.
African Angel has 4 of its own soccer teams, the U13, the U15, U17 and a team for boys over 17. All teams are registered in their respective leagues and play regularly against other teams. For this purpose, our players wear donated sportswear. Since they are of course very worn, they constantly need new sportswear or soccer shoes and also balls.
So if you have something like that or other equipment like goals or goal nets, training material, knee pads, goalkeeper gloves or similar to give away, please contact us. – Thank you.
African Angel e.V.
Chances for Children
Copyright © AFRICAN ANGEL e.V. 2004-2021
All rights reserved.
Tel.: +49 (0) 211-55041876